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Email UsIMPORTANT E-MAIL DISCLOSUREEastern Metro Capital Bank recognizes e-mail as a simple and cost effective method of communication, however requests and inquiries requiring immediate attention should not be sent via e-mail. Similarly, sensitive personal and account information such as account numbers, PASSWORDS, PINS, or Social Security Numbers should not be sent via e-mail. Because an e-mail message may not be reviewed by a Eastern Metro Capital Bank representative immediately, you must contact Eastern Metro Capital Bank via telephone or in person for immediate attention. E-mail messages will not serve as a sufficient method for any requirement imposed on you to provide written notice, nor may e-mail messages be used to place a stop payment on a check, cancel a bill payment, request account transfers, or report lost or stolen banking codes and/or cards. Contact Form |
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Contact UsYou can reach us at: +1 (352) 405 7474 |